

A guide to renting an apartment to help you understand what you and your landlord are responsible for.

对一些人来说,拥有自己的房子可能是一个梦想,但对许多人来说,租房是现实. Finding and renting a home or apartment that is right for you can be daunting but with a few simple tips and information, 您可以帮助确保良好的租赁体验. 以下是租房或租房时需要考虑的事情.


寻找新房子出租可能是令人兴奋的, 但不要在没有做研究的情况下就开始寻找. Doing so can be expensive and lead to unexpected hassles and disappointments. 在你开始搜索之前, 你应该考虑一下你想住在哪里, what type of rental property you want and how much you would like your lease to be. 有了这些信息,你就能保持你的观点和冷静.


The neighborhood might be friendly and the property fantastic but it's important for you to 仔细检查公寓 还有租约. 从其他不太好的公寓的经验来看, 丽莎*, 25, 学到了很多同龄人没有的东西, 在你租房子之前训练你的鹰眼. 问自己一些问题,比如:





在看房子的时候,你应该 问问题 关于建筑和业主的期望. 你可能想知道以下问题的答案:

  • 房子或公寓可以转租吗?
  • Is anything broken and if something breaks, who is responsible for fixing them?
  • 什么类型的? 装修 是允许的? Can you hang curtains or pictures on the wall or will that void your security deposit?
  • 是re surrounding buildings or business that might present a problem like 错误?
  • Does it have a formal superintendent or a formal process for submitting work requests?

Asking about any common problems before you sign a lease might help prevent potential problems after you 搬进新家或公寓.


把它写下来. 在你和你的潜在房东谈过 彼此的责任,确保租约反映了谈话内容. Jane*, 27, is now a lease believer, thanks to a deposit nightmare in Austin, Texas. "I moved into a place with other roommates and it was under the original tenant's name," she said. "That tenant wanted us to give him a deposit equal to the one he had with the owner. 当我们要拿回押金的时候, he refused and said he couldn't remember what we agreed to or how much each of us gave him. 我们没有任何书面协议. 我们最后一无所获.“即使你签了租约,也要仔细阅读费用部分. On another lease Jane said she "didn't realize you needed to have the carpet and apartment professionally cleaned before you moved out. 花了大约700美元之后,你会觉得自己很蠢."

总之, 确保押金之类的东西退回, cleaning expectations when moving out and sublease information are explicitly written in the lease agreement. 这将有助于避免可能出现的任何误解.


不幸的是, 租赁诈骗 很难被发现. If you don't protect yourself beforehand, you may find yourself out of cash and a place to live. Haley*, 25, found that out the hard way when she started searching for an apartment in New York City. "I rented from a man on Craigslist and he was insistent that I pay all the money up front," she said. “这是一个坏主意,即使预付的理由似乎是合理的." She had her dad check out the place and then reluctantly gave the man the money. Big mistake: "It turned out he was pulling a scam on many people and was actually getting evicted himself,她说. “我拿回了钱,但不得不让(执法部门)介入.“找房子要有耐心. If the apartment doesn't feel right or the landlord makes you nervous, you should move on.


租客pp王者电子官网是个好主意吗? 想想你拥有的一切:电脑、智能手机、衣服、家具、电视. 仅仅这些基本的东西就可能值几千美元. 如果你租的公寓和意外事件,如火灾, 发生盗窃或漏水, 房东的pp王者电子官网涵盖了他的利益, 比如对建筑的维修, 不是你的. 这意味着任何损失或重置成本都要由你自己掏腰包. 当涉及到 租房者pp王者电子官网没有放之四海而皆准的政策. A policy can be customized with the coverage amounts and additional coverages that are right for you.


You should consider your apartment as if it was your own home and care for it accordingly. 除了让房东满意, 照顾你的租金 gives you a stronger hand in rent negotiations and might even allow you to change the terms of the lease. You'll also save money if you're not evicted or you don't have to forfeit your security deposit.


Things you might want to consider when you are getting ready to lease an apartment or home include:

  • 预算: 建立一个 预算 在你开始搜索之前. 这将允许您查看适合您的预算的地方.
  • 做好准备: 许多房东会要求你提供一份你的 信用报告 才能被视为房客.
  • 文档: Know the list of documents you might need like paystubs, bank statements or other forms.


You should know some common rental language before you sign the lease, such as:

  • 租金: 你的租约应该解释可接受的付款方式和滞纳金条款.
  • 存款: Your lease should specify the dollar amount, use and requirements for return of your deposit.
  • 租户/入住率限制: 让朋友坐在沙发上聊天来降低房租可能违反了你的租约. 未能列出任何和所有租户可能会导致终止租赁. In addition, letting someone illegally stay absolves them of financial responsibility.
  • 宠物: 如果你的租约不允许,那就不要买. 你们俩可能会流落街头.
  • 维修/维护: It's important to know what repairs and maintenance you're responsible for, how to alert the 业主要求维修 以及合理的更新时间限制.
  • 术语: A lease should explain termination dates, which are typically a year or month-to-month.
  • 公用事业: 你应该了解租约包括哪些内容,不包括哪些内容, 比如除雪, 修剪草坪和耙叶. Your lease may also discuss whether utility rate increases may be passed along to you.
  • 业主进场权: Your landlord must specify when he or she is legally entitled to be in your rental and whether or not you have the right to be present.


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Tips to help choose accurate, appropriate limits for your personal property and liability coverage.


在房东调出你的信用报告之前, review it for potential errors or reported debts that can be paid to better your score.


在损失的情况下,房客pp王者电子官网保护的不仅仅是你的财产. 了解租客pp王者电子官网如何使你和房东受益.


Use our rental property inspection checklist so you're organized and prepared when looking at rental listings.