

Give your home a quick makeover before listing it to attract buyers and potentially sell faster.

当潜在买家走进一间装修精美的, 家里整洁有序, 83% of real estate agents say it makes it easier for potential buyers to visualize it as a future home, 根据 全国房地产经纪人协会. Preparing your house for showings may increase the likelihood of receiving offers after you list your home.

准备出售你的房子并不一定需要专业人士. These ideas can be done on your own, on a budget, and may increase your return on investment (ROI). It is always a good idea to have a friend or real estate agent walk through your home to help you identify areas needing attention since you may overlook them. Little improvements or changes to the home could give you big returns and help 让你的房子增值.


第一印象是吸引买家的关键. 专注于 家的前面 在买家进门之前给他们留下好印象. 清洁排水沟 用电清洗壁板, 在花盆里放上鲜艳的花朵, 把窗户擦干净,把前门重新刷上一层漆. 如果你有一个带座位的门廊,一定要清洁家具. 像修剪草坪这样简单的事情, 除草花坛, trimming shrubs and replacing light fixtures make a real difference.


客厅被认为是最需要准备的房间. 你不需要买新家具或做大的改变. 以下是一些建议:

  • 拿出清新明亮的抱枕和毯子;
  • Remove any clutter on tables in favor of a few artfully arranged books; 
  • 拿出几瓶鲜花;
  • 使 the room look larger by removing a piece of furniture; and
  • Use blankets or vases to strategically cover worn-out spots or hide marks on couches and tables.


Refashion your living space and kitchen to get buyers thinking about how they could use the space to entertain. Move furniture several inches away from walls to help create the illusion of a larger space and place area rugs and seating to create conversation nooks. Also, in the kitchen, place a bowl of fresh fruit on the countertop. In the dining area, set the table with beautiful dinnerware and linens.


买家需要想象自己在你的家里, 但是要做到这一点, 他们需要想象你不住在那里. 把个人照片藏起来, trophies and kids' artwork and sort through unneeded books for reduced clutter on shelves. 浴室用品也不要忘了. 把墙壁涂成中性色也是一个实用的主意. A blank canvas sometimes triggers potential buyers to see themselves living t在这里 and personalizing it themselves. Also, place some furniture in each room as unfinished rooms tend to look smaller. It is a way to help potential buyers start thinking about w在这里 they would put their own belongings.


Decluttering and cleaning the kitchen area is a great way to make your home inviting and give the impression that the home has been well taken care of. 这里有一些帮助改善形象的想法, aura of home and comfort for those viewing the home and for potential buyers:

  • Put bulky appliances and items that clutter the space and counters away;
  • Clean out and organize hidden areas such as the inside of drawers, cabinets and the refrigerator;
  • Replace cabinet knobs (it's a budget-friendly facelift); and
  • Leave snacks or bottled water in the kitchen for potential buyers passing through.


Use oversize canvases or prints to create new focal points and make a small space feel larger. Full-length curtains can add height to distract from low ceilings or obscure a poor view, 而超大的镜子使房间看起来更大.


在梳妆台附近放一束花. Place a breakfast tray on a carefully made bed in the master suite. 这些细节可以激发买家的想象力. Another professional tip is to keep the doors of a closet open while reducing the number of things on display inside.


不管是花蜡烛, citrusy room spray or the waft of chocolate chip cookies in the oven, 买家会下意识地受到气味和音乐的诱惑. 通过闻到家里的公共空间来模仿豪华酒店, 包括生活区, 厨房和浴室, 并播放舒缓的背景音乐.


Be sure to clean out closets and declutter the entire home as much as possible. 如果需要的话,租一个仓库. 这里有更多的想法可以考虑:

  • 打开窗帘,让自然光进来;
  • 确保浴室干净,马桶盖盖好,
  • 使 小修理,
  • Do 预防性检修 或维护,
  • 把贵重物品藏起来,
  • Remove items that you don't plan to leave with the house that buyers may expect to remain like Grandma's chandelier or other fixtures you plan on taking with you,
  • 清洁所有的地毯
  • 在看房期间把宠物从家里带走.

阅读更多关于 买卖 一个家.

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Before jumping into 一个家 or apartment project, weigh the pros and cons of a DIY approach vs. 雇佣专业人士.


A fair opinion of value gives buyers and lenders a clear picture of 一个家's worth.


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Give your home a quick makeover before listing it to attract buyers and potentially sell faster.